With a loud smash backstage, the camera crew immediately gathers their equipment and sprints towards the sound. As they turn the corner, the camera's auto focus on an image of Daniel Bryan laying in a heap of broken tables and chairs.
Bryan, grasping for air and holding his knee - can barely find his words. He looks puzzled and distraught, but the reporters are quick to swarm and begin asking questions.
Reporter: "Daniel, do you remember anything that occurred before this?! Who did this to you?! Why?!"
Bryan still looking puzzled, lays back down due to lack of energy. He gathers his thoughts before sitting up and preparing to reply. As he opens his mouth, he gazes into the distance and his eyes widen. Without speak he begins to point down the hallway where a rather large man can be seen walking into the distance.
Reporter: "Who is that?! Someone find out now!"
One of the younger reporters is first to chase down the hall. As he goes farther and farther into the distance, he begins to turn a corner but is met with a hand around his throat. By now only silhouettes are visible as the larger one can be seen lifting the smaller one into the air by the throat, and slamming him down onto the cold cement below. The larger silhouette then raises his arm into the air while letting out a bellowing yell. He then disappears as the camera changes back to the laid out Daniel Bryan.