1. When did you become a fan of MVP? (in his time in WWE)
I became a fan sometime after messing around with his character in Smackdown vs RAW 2010.
2. What did you like about MVP?
I liked that he was a hard worker (or at least thought he was). His heel character was a favorite of mine and I loved his gimmick.
3. What did you dislike about MVP?
Two things actually. The first is his face turn. He was poorly utilized as a face and his "Ballin'" gimmick wasn't suited for it (or at least WWE Creative didn't know how to use it. Plus, he hated being face). The second isn't necessarily against him but I hate his luck. He was in prison for 8 1/2 years for armed robbery and kidnapping and just so happens that his corrections officer had connections and then BOOM, MVP was suddenly a wrestler. I want some good luck like that.
4. What was MVP's best match or some of his best matches while he was in the WWE?
Can't really remember any of his matches.
5. Do you think MVP was released unfairly?
Nope. He was released on his own demand. He hated being forced to work a face (something he was having trouble doing) and then adding to that he wasn't given much of anything to work with. I would have left too. He would have likely been released during the spring cleaning the next year or year after.
6. Do you think MVP's push being stopped was also unfair by the WWE to do to him?
Nope. It was never stopped. They just had no place to go with face MVP.
7. If WWE would of gone all the way with MVP in his push, how far do you think he would of honestly gotten?
Maybe a few main event spotlights but as a face I wouldn't want to see him go anywhere. He was much better suited for a heel. Anyways, he likely would have gotten a few main event spots but nothing more than mid-card titles.
8. How do you think MVP would do now if he was back in the WWE?
The same thing he was doing before: floating about the mid-card.
9. Do you feel MVP was overrated, with people claiming that he should be World Champ etc?
I've never heard people say MVP should be World Champ. I've never heard anyone overrated MVP either.
10. What do you feel was MVP's best moment in The WWE? It could be a victory, title win or just a solid promo he did.
Don't remember much.