Hey all, I'm just posting this here to let you know that the new rules have been posted! It can be hard to tell because the thread is locked and new posts don't show up in it. But if you go to the rules and guidelines section, Twysted has posted the new outline. So give them a read over because they're in effect starting now!
Also, Survivor Series is on the 24th of November, just two short weeks away. Not only is this our year mark as a fed, but we're also going to be having the annual slammies! So get pumped, and if you don't have a feud yet, GET ONE! Let's make this an awesome pay-per-view!
On a side note, I just want to welcome all of the new members once again! It's great to see all these new faces, and I really hope you enjoy your time here. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask any of the admins/mods/or older members, we'd all me more than happy to help you!